Janicedb's Activity
wrote a note on Revelation 2:13 ESV
Rev.2:1-7 Heavenly angels watch over us. 2kings 1:19 powerful angels. A messenger sent. Written to the church of Ephesus. Was a very wicket city. Worshipped the idol Diana. Church is all about C...
over 10 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 13:17 ESV
Avatar 2045 design a robot that is a computer.
over 10 years ago
highlighted Daniel 7:18 ESV
But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever.'
over 10 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 1:18 ESV
Heb2:14-15 power and authority of heaven Vs.19 things John saw and heard. Vs.20. Seven churches
over 10 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 1:20 ESV
Rev.1:10 we have to be quite to hear from God. Need to have a wiling heart. Vs.13 Jesus in the middle of his church. His light reflects and has power. He is amongst us right now. Vs.14 his hair w...
over 10 years ago
highlighted Revelation 1:10 ESV
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet
over 10 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 1:16 ESV
Rev.1:9 partake in the tribulation as we'll .. Jn 16:33 in the world you have tribulation. Jesus says.. Take heart I have overcome the world. We suffer in this world because it is a fallen world. ...
over 10 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 1:8 ESV
Rev 1:8. Almighty god is coming. Prince of peace. Isa.6:3 perfect peace when we trust in Him.
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 1:6 ESV
Rev.1:6 we are setted with him. Glory forever. Vs7. He is coming. Speaks of the second coming. Assured of it. Daniel 7:13 everlasting dominion. Heb.11 hall faith in Christ. Vs 12 cloud of witnesse...
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 1:5 ESV
Rev..1:5 he loves us while we were sinners. Jere.1:10 Rom 8 He washed us released us; upon the cross. Payment of our sin.
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on Revelation 1:11 ESV
Rev.1:4 John last disciple. Written to the 7 Christians churches. Number 7 is completion.. Perfect ! Western Turkey Grace to you and peace is standard greeting. Everyone wan...
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on Romans 5:13 ESV
Roman8:28 all things wrk tog for those that love God.
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on Romans 5:15 ESV
Heb. 4:16 come to the throne of grace and be blessed.. Phil.1:6 complete us until he comes Rom.8:30 glorification
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on Luke 22:21 ESV
The Last Supper Luke 22:7 Jn 13:1-3 ; 12;27 Jesus hour had come. he was in full control. All planned from the beginning. Jesus is the victor not the victim Luke 5 called by Jesus ...
almost 11 years ago
vs 14-15 Ungodly and grumbling. Empty words, 2 pet 217 salves of corruption. Isa 55:11 Do not change the power of Gods words for ones on belief. vs 17 -- col 2:8 truth vs 20
almost 11 years ago
Jude 1 Jude a family member of Christ. Writes to Christians. To bless them vs. 3 Wrote letter to content and defend the Christian faith. God word is truth. Once for all handed down to us...faith...
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on 1 John 5:16 ESV
vs 16 Sin of death.. spiritual death. Christian death. Pray about the persons sin and how we can bring them back. In Gods understanding God is going to bring him home. Gal.6:1-2 Restore Vs 18 Lif...
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on 1 John 5:21 ESV
vs,14 come to Jesus with confidence. We are friends with Jesus. Heb 4:16 Draw near to Him. If, we ask, he will hear our request. Not demands, If, we ask his will, not ours. He knows the petitions ...
almost 11 years ago
highlighted 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 ESV
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.
almost 11 years ago
wrote a note on 1 John 4:9 ESV
Vs.9 God loves us, not that we loved him. The father poured out the punishment on Christ for me. Vs.12 Gods love is perfected in us. Completeness in our glorification. Check our love for one anothe...
almost 11 years ago