Janicedb's Notes

wrote a note on Nehemiah 2:7 NLT
Stakeholders know where to find gold. God’s provision provides. Boldness. Ask..for what we need. Paid leave...Fred’s transportation Free lumber To city King doesn’t care about and God you don’t follow God uses unlikely people Resources follow faith.. Matt. 6:33 See me first. The. All these things will be added to you. … Expand
Nov 10

wrote a note on Mark 4:35 NASB
Mark 4:35-41 In your storm ...always remember 1. To ask Jesus into your vote. (Vs.35-36) Ask Jesus to be Lord of your life. Don't be afraid because Jesus is with us. 2. Storms happen. (Vs.37). Reason that storms come is evil and bad choices. We give up on God. We have our faith. 2 Thess.1:4-5 drives us to our knees. 3. To ask Jesus for help (vs.38) Be humble and ask him for help. 1Pet.5:7 give him our cares. 4. That Jesus will bring peace to your storm (v. 39) he takes us out of the storm or walks through it with us. God will not give us more temptation than we can handle. God is always next to us. 5. To keep your faith In Jesus (v.40-41) Heb.13.5b-6a. He never leaves us . … Expand
Apr 17

wrote a note on Mark 1:26 NASB
Mark 1:14-15 How will you approach the cross? 16 truths from Jesus! 1. Good news Jesus is coming Achieve the things God has for you. Jesus went to Galilee to teach good news! Repent and rethink my life. Pride or humility in the approach to the cross. Entitlement or gratitude? Soldiers indifference or awe? Matt.27:35-36 Luke23:42-43 … Expand
Mar 27

wrote a note on Philippians 2:1-11 NASB
To God be the glory Phil. 2:1-11 Always pray for changed lives 3 additional possibilities to pray for 1.Remodel- sanctuary expands 2.multi site - Goodyear campus 3.caring-- A Great Church that brings God Glory is... V. 1a, 2a obedience/ like minded/give, serve. Follow God word V. 1b,2b be loving like Jesus. He supplies before we ask. V. 1c, 2c Spirit filled. Be one spirit. Power of the Holy Spirit gives power to witness V. 1d, 2d Compassion .. Tenderness., for the lost. Humble our selves. Values others interest more than myself. A great follower that brings God Glory will be.. V. 3-8 servant. God be golorified Results of a Great Church God is glorified by our actions. … Expand
Mar 13

wrote a note on Hebrews 10:39 NASB
Remember what he has done and will do. Remain joyful in my faith. He is faithful, so I'll remain faithful as well. When we make dumb decisions God will rescue us out of our troubles. … Expand
Mar 6

wrote a note on Hebrews 10:19 NASB
Faith. Heb. 10:19-25 Drink deeply from the well of faith for: Our salvation vs. 19:22 -- we can go into the presence of God, no sacrifice is Needed. Our needs vs.23---He is faithful. We are not a hopeless people! Trust him to be faithful to me. The father never breaks his promise. Our church vs.24-25 encouraging one another. Hebrews 10:26-39 Do not reject the well of faith. Vs.36-31. Sometimes God has provided already. Remember What the well of faith will do. Vs.32-39 somewhere it has to turn from head knowledge to the heart. … Expand
Mar 6

wrote a note on 1 Thessalonians 4:13 NASB
Will I die yes..what happens . Absent from the body present with the Lord. Hope when we die because Jesus rose from the dead. We get our glorified bodies. Live with Jesus forever. How many times willI die? Rev. 20:11-12 Book of life our names are in there. Lake of fire if you don't accept Christ. No u-hauls are going to heaven. It's heaven or hell. Where will I go? Heaven or hell? Rev21:22-24 25-27 We will be safe in heaven. Rev. 22:1-2 River is water of life.. Tree is abundant supply. Leaves means no sickness and things to do. Don't worry or fret. Die daily, set our priorities and put God first. Focus on the time we have today, Not on death. … Expand
Feb 28

wrote a note on 1 Samuel 15:12 NASB
1Sam.15:12. Jam.1:22 Doers of the word Knowledge of the bible far outweighs our willingness to obey. Obedience Big idea: To follow Christ Requires ...obedience 3 Truths about obedience 1. Obedience begins in the heart. Heart is where it begins.Obedience is a choice. We can change our heart without changing our behavior. Need a willing heart. Love Jesus you will obey. Can't delegate responsible or blame. 2. Partial Obedience is...disobedience. A. Helps justify sin. Don't live in gray area. Gal.6:3 deceive ourselves. B. It leads to a cover up., more damaging that the disobedience. Obedience requires discomfort. Matt.10:39 Lose your life. 3. Obedience is... A. Sacrifice is usually a matter of... B. Obedience is our response to... … Expand
Feb 14

wrote a note on Matthew 11:2 NASB
3.angry in the house, workplace, 4. Unforgiveness in our heart 5. Profanity & crude jokes. Christians 6. Lack of compassion 7. Sexual impurity.. Not married 8. Lust after money, others 9. Pride. Keeps us off our knees and don't declare a miracle 1john 2:8 -9 The enemies see our weakness. God will forgive us. … Expand
Feb 7

wrote a note on Matthew 11:1 NASB
Ephesians. 5:25b-27. Jesus covenant was to die for me. Our part is to give ourselves back to him. Do I do that everyday? If we do this we are great and our greatness is coming. In what ways have I persecuted, betrayed and disowned Jesus. Saul or Paul. Persecuted Jesus and Christians Acts 4:4-5 Judas betrayed Jesus. Judas took money from officials. Matt.26:48-50. Betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Remorseful sorry I got caught. Repentance is being broken and changing the life style. Peter denied Jesus. John 13:36-38. Gave Jesus the kiss of betrayal. Broken and repentance. Holy and blameless life can be lived. Mostly we have a covenant with Jesus. Ephs. 4&5 Sin doesn't bother us. Numb to sin. Betraying Jesus Gossip and complain. … Expand
Feb 7

wrote a note on Philippians 4:4 NASB
Phil.4:4-13 The fear of the unknown. Life on the roller coaster. Worry about what will come next. Spiritual stability with the peace of Christ. By faith to trust God. Closer to God or far away. 1. Be joyful Vs.4 put this on your heart. Don't stay in your situation. Psa.34:3 Job I:21 Phil.1:21 2. Be a servant vs.5 be compassionate, gentle 3. Instead of being anxious we need to pray. , with a heart of thanksgiving. Vs.6-7. Rom. 8:28 will have peace of God will happen 4. Follow Gods word Vs.8-9 think about these things. spiritual stability is Link to how well we know Jesus. Read Gods word., pray and own your faith. 5. trust God today for His goodness tomorrow vs.10-13 Vs. 13 is the secret of the carefree life. … Expand
Jan 31

wrote a note on Ephesians 2:1 NASB
Ephs.2:1-10 To be great for God....We need to understanding 3 things Making it to heaven and taking as many with us as we can. Not average but great. Purpose Past failures can be used for greatness Finish great not how we start. Praying for greatness 1. We will be in a daily fight with V1-3 2. We are not. V3b-5 3. We were created to be. Vs.6-10 … Expand
Jan 24

wrote a note on James 4:10 NASB
Addictions : sex, anger, gossip, money, work Surrender ourselves vs10. No pride.Make me humble. Fearful of our future. Let God drive. Our failures. Have time for God and he will bless us. … Expand
Jan 17

wrote a note on James 4:14 NASB
James 4:4-10 How do I surrender? By being willing to give up my There is a cost. Spiritual surrender is from fighting and give our lives to Christ. It's all about changed lives. Acts 2:42 Surrender we will achieve for God greatness. Must surrender everything.and not hold back what God is good at. Show me any thing that I need to surrender. 1. Vs. give up my stuff 4-6 Value stuff more than God. Become an Enemy of God. God knows our struggles and will give us strength to achieve what we want to surrender. He will make us strong. Stuff can be time, friendships,hobbies,checkbook,sin- submit to God, resist temptation. Come near to God. Purify our hearts. Don't be double minded. Be serious enough. 2. Vs.7-9 Be satisfied. 3. Vs. 10 … Expand
Jan 17

wrote a note on Matthew 5:28 NASB
Matt. 5-21-26 1. Hurt our relationship with God. V.23-24 Before you give of your service, have no unforgiveness..you will be judged. God can't answer our prayers. Psa 66:18 get in to Gods work in our lives. Forgive and be blessed. 2. Hurt our relationship with others. V25a No matter how they respond, you need to forgive. Gods grace Is all we need. Others will go to heaven for our love and forgiveness 3. Hurt our relationship with ourselves . V.25b-26 Don't wait until you feel like it. You may die before it happens. Eats you up and sets you free. … Expand
Jan 10

wrote a note on Matthew 7:1 NASB
3 Facts about True Love. Blind Spots We can be blinded by spiritual things. Love by worldly standards .. Do what makes you happy? True love is a journey to 1. Love confronts: judges others by righteous judgement. Sermon on the mount was to show that Hippocrates. Matt.5:20 self righteous. Must confront other believers In sin. Don't be righteous confrontation. In repentant sin. In order to confront make Godly judgements based on love. Use good discernment. How do we make that judgement Matt:7:17-20. Observe fruit in someone's life. James 5:20 help others in sin. Purpose is to restore them to Jesus. … Expand
Jan 3

wrote a note on John 14:17 NASB
John14:6 Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. 1 thing to know Will do that for 1 thing to do Can do that for
Dec 20

As my Shepherd ,,, Jesus will John10:1-16 A. Died For me (Jn.10:14-16 B. Direct me (Rom.12:17-1721,13:4) C. Nothing(Psa.23-1-6
Dec 13

John9:1-7 1. Can Jesus heal me? God knows the beginning and the end and can heal us or anything. Ex15:26 Ian the Lord that can heal you. Cannot let satan deceive us. 2. Will Jesus heal me? In heaven or earth. Pray and humble ourselves. Say God I need your help. Talk and listen to God Yes he will on earth or yes it will be In Heaven Healing requires us to participate... 2nd Kings 20:5 submit to God. Matt.26:39 Pray and believe that it can happen. John14:13-14 Ask in his name and he will do it. God allows things to have a moment to heal at the right time. Paul was the most powerful man serving God. 2 Corth. 12:7-10. Keeps him humble with the thorn in his flesh. Was all about God and what is best for Paul. Paul wasn't healed, faith. … Expand
Dec 6