Storyteller7777's Highlights

highlighted 1 Kings 14:6 NLT
So when Ahijah heard her footsteps at the door, he called out, “Come in, wife of Jeroboam! Why are you pretending to be someone else?” Then he told her, “I have bad news for you.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 14:7-10 NLT
I will bring disaster on your dynasty and will destroy every one of your male descendants, slave and free alike, anywhere in Israel. I will burn up your royal dynasty as one burns up trash until it is all gone. Give your husband, Jeroboam, this message from the LORD, the God of Israel: ‘I promoted you from the ranks of the common people and made you ruler over my people Israel. I ripped the kingdom away from the family of David and gave it to you. But you have not been like my servant David, who obeyed my commands and followed me with all his heart and always did whatever I wanted. You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made other gods for yourself and have made me furious with your gold calves. And since you have turned your back on me,
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 14:5 NLT
But the LORD had told Ahijah, “Jeroboam’s wife will come here, pretending to be someone else. She will ask you about her son, for he is very sick. Give her the answer I give you.”
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 14:1-4 NLT
At that time Jeroboam’s son Abijah became very sick. So Jeroboam told his wife, “Disguise yourself so that no one will recognize you as my wife. Then go to the prophet Ahijah at Shiloh—the man who told me I would become king. Take him a gift of ten loaves of bread, some cakes, and a jar of honey, and ask him what will happen to the boy.” So Jeroboam’s wife went to Ahijah’s home at Shiloh. He was an old man now and could no longer see.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:33-34 NLT
But even after this, Jeroboam did not turn from his evil ways. He continued to choose priests from the common people. He appointed anyone who wanted to become a priest for the pagan shrines. This became a great sin and resulted in the utter destruction of Jeroboam’s dynasty from the face of the earth.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:26-31 NLT
When the prophet heard the report, he said, “It is the man of God who disobeyed the LORD’s command. The LORD has fulfilled his word by causing the lion to attack and kill him.” Then the prophet said to his sons, “Saddle a donkey for me.” So they saddled a donkey, and he went out and found the body lying in the road. The donkey and lion were still standing there beside it, for the lion had not eaten the body nor attacked the donkey. So the prophet laid the body of the man of God on the donkey and took it back to the town to mourn over him and bury him. He laid the body in his own grave, crying out in grief, “Oh, my brother!” Afterward the prophet said to his sons, “When I die, bury me in the grave where the man of God is buried. Lay my bones beside his bones.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:25 NLT
People who passed by saw the body lying in the road and the lion standing beside it, and they went and reported it in Bethel, where the old prophet lived.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:24 NLT
and the man of God started off again. But as he was traveling along, a lion came out and killed him. His body lay there on the road, with the donkey and the lion standing beside it.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:23 NLT
After the man of God had finished eating and drinking, the old prophet saddled his own donkey for him,
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:22 NLT
You came back to this place and ate and drank where he told you not to eat or drink. Because of this, your body will not be buried in the grave of your ancestors.”
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:21 NLT
He cried out to the man of God from Judah, “This is what the LORD says: You have defied the word of the LORD and have disobeyed the command the LORD your God gave you.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:20 NLT
Then while they were sitting at the table, a command from the LORD came to the old prophet.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:19 NLT
So they went back together, and the man of God ate and drank at the prophet’s home.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:18 NLT
But the old prophet answered, “I am a prophet, too, just as you are. And an angel gave me this command from the LORD: ‘Bring him home with you so he can have something to eat and drink.’” But the old man was lying to him.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:17 NLT
For the LORD gave me this command: ‘You must not eat or drink anything while you are there, and do not return to Judah by the same way you came.’”
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:16 NLT
“No, I cannot,” he replied. “I am not allowed to eat or drink anything here in this place.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:15 NLT
Then he said to the man of God, “Come home with me and eat some food.”
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:14 NLT
Then he rode after the man of God and found him sitting under a great tree. The old prophet asked him, “Are you the man of God who came from Judah?” “Yes, I am,” he replied.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:12-13 NLT
The old prophet asked them, “Which way did he go?” So they showed their father which road the man of God had taken. “Quick, saddle the donkey,” the old man said. So they saddled the donkey for him, and he mounted it.
Mar 20

highlighted 1 Kings 13:11 NLT
As it happened, there was an old prophet living in Bethel, and his sons came home and told him what the man of God had done in Bethel that day. They also told their father what the man had said to the king.
Mar 20