Storyteller7777's Highlights

highlighted 2 Kings 1:3 NLT
But the angel of the LORD told Elijah, who was from Tishbe, “Go and confront the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, ‘Is there no God in Israel? Why are you going to Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, to ask whether the king will recover?
Mar 26

highlighted 2 Kings 1:2 NLT
One day Israel’s new king, Ahaziah, fell through the latticework of an upper room at his palace in Samaria and was seriously injured. So he sent messengers to the temple of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, to ask whether he would recover.
Mar 26

highlighted 2 Kings 1:1 NLT
After King Ahab’s death, the land of Moab rebelled against Israel.
Mar 26

highlighted 1 Kings 20:38 NLT
The prophet placed a bandage over his eyes to disguise himself and then waited beside the road for the king.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:35 NLT
Meanwhile, the LORD instructed one of the group of prophets to say to another man, “Hit me!” But the man refused to hit the prophet.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:36 NLT
Then the prophet told him, “Because you have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, a lion will kill you as soon as you leave me.” And when he had gone, a lion did attack and kill him.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:32 NLT
So they put on burlap and ropes, and they went to the king of Israel and begged, “Your servant Ben-hadad says, ‘Please let me live!’” The king of Israel responded, “Is he still alive? He is my brother!”
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:30 NLT
The rest fled into the town of Aphek, but the wall fell on them and killed another 27,000. Ben-hadad fled into the town and hid in a secret room.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:28 NLT
Then the man of God went to the king of Israel and said, “This is what the LORD says: The Arameans have said, ‘The LORD is a god of the hills and not of the plains.’ So I will defeat this vast army for you. Then you will know that I am the LORD.”
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:24-25 NLT
Only this time replace the kings with field commanders! Recruit another army like the one you lost. Give us the same number of horses, chariots, and men, and we will fight against them on the plains. There’s no doubt that we will beat them.” So King Ben-hadad did as they suggested.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:23 NLT
After their defeat, Ben-hadad’s officers said to him, “The Israelite gods are gods of the hills; that is why they won. But we can beat them easily on the plains.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:22 NLT
Afterward the prophet said to King Ahab, “Get ready for another attack. Begin making plans now, for the king of Aram will come back next spring.”
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:17-18 NLT
the troops of the provincial commanders marched out of the city as the first contingent. As they approached, Ben-hadad’s scouts reported to him, “Some troops are coming from Samaria.” “Take them alive,” Ben-hadad commanded, “whether they have come for peace or for war.”
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:16 NLT
About noontime, as Ben-hadad and the thirty-two allied kings were still in their tents drinking themselves into a stupor,
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:15 NLT
So Ahab mustered the troops of the 232 provincial commanders. Then he called out the rest of the army of Israel, some 7,000 men.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:13-14 NLT
Then a certain prophet came to see King Ahab of Israel and told him, “This is what the LORD says: Do you see all these enemy forces? Today I will hand them all over to you. Then you will know that I am the LORD.” Ahab asked, “How will he do it?” And the prophet replied, “This is what the LORD says: The troops of the provincial commanders will do it.” “Should we attack first?” Ahab asked. “Yes,” the prophet answered.
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:4-7 NLT
“All right, my lord the king,” Israel’s king replied. “All that I have is yours!” Soon Ben-hadad’s messengers returned again and said, “This is what Ben-hadad says: ‘I have already demanded that you give me your silver, gold, wives, and children. But about this time tomorrow I will send my officials to search your palace and the homes of your officials. They will take away everything you consider valuable!’” Then Ahab summoned all the elders of the land and said to them, “Look how this man is stirring up trouble! I already agreed with his demand that I give him my wives and children and silver and gold.”
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 20:2-3 NLT
Ben-hadad sent messengers into the city to relay this message to King Ahab of Israel: “This is what Ben-hadad says: ‘Your silver and gold are mine, and so are your wives and the best of your children!’”
Mar 24

highlighted 1 Kings 1:1 NLT
King David was now very old, and no matter how many blankets covered him, he could not keep warm.
Mar 23

highlighted 1 Kings 19:4 NLT
Then he went on alone into the wilderness, traveling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, LORD,” he said. “Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died.”
Mar 23