Jaytaorei's Notes

wrote a note on Matthew 25:35-40 ESV
Book of stories behind women of extraordinary faith!!!
Aug 26

wrote a note on Jeremiah 32:42 ESV
Babes word for today 22.9.2013 very encouraging to know our god is always there.
Aug 21

wrote a note on Hebrews 10:22 ESV
Word to share to the family Thank you Lord for your words will manifest in our lives. And your will be done for it is in heaven...
Aug 21

wrote a note on Revelation 22:1 ESV
Word received at pray meeting about the river let it flow for it is life
Aug 21

wrote a note on Acts 12:10 ESV
Encounter where prison doors are being open supper natural change in the spirit, for the power of pray is powerful, The river flows when we start praying. Don't just pray, BUT PRAY where it releases the power of GOD releases the spirit and cause the river to flow. … Expand
Aug 21

wrote a note on Ezekiel 47:1 ESV
Over flow with his spirit and let go and have his way with your children, let go of everything work, relationship, marriage, life in general let go, keep praying and fasting letting go don't settle for the water at ankle deep keep going.... … Expand
Aug 21

wrote a note on 2 Chronicles 19:9-10 ESV
Mamas scripture to the family Encouraging words
Aug 19

wrote a note on Luke 6:46-49 ESV
What foundation are you going to have to build you house
Aug 19