Michael Drake's Notes

Michael Drake
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 4:16 KJV
We aren't always going to be accepted and we are not always going to see results but he still prays that God does not hold them accountable for that. One waters, another plants, but God gives the increase not us. … Expand
Aug 14

Michael Drake
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 4:7 KJV
Timothy is being told that Paul hard lived for Jesus as honest and obedient as he could and kept prayer strong and his voice heard preaching Jesus. He time had come to die but he was okay with it and had been faithful to God in all that he did. … Expand
Aug 14

Michael Drake
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 4:5 KJV
Keep yourself stedfast in prayer and reading of His word and know that you will go thru very hard times because the enemy is going to try to defeat you.
Aug 14

Michael Drake
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV
God is tellling us to be true to him each and every day and be a witness to everyone we can and not to give up because we don't see the results be keep on being strong for Jesus and let them see your faith in Him … Expand
Aug 14