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Rosemary Stone Matchell

Rosemary Stone Matchell's Activity

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted 1 Peter 1:14-15 NASB

As aobedient children, do not bbe conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your cignorance,

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Philippians 1:29-30 NASB

For to you ait has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to bsuffer for His sake,

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Philippians 1:22-28 NASB

But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean afruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose.

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Philippians 1:21 NASB

For to me, ato live is Christ and to die is gain.

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Philippians 1:8-20 NASB

For aGod is my witness, how I long for you all with the affection of bChrist Jesus.

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Ephesians 6:18-20 NASB

With all aprayer and petition bpray at all times cin the Spirit, and with this in view, dbe on the alert with all eperseverance and fpetition for all the saints,

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Luke 11:9 NASB

"So I say to you, aask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Luke 11:10 NASB

"For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened.

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Luke 11:13 NASB

"aIf you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?"

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Psalms 91:1-16 NASB

He who dwells in the ashelter of the Most High Will abide in the bshadow of the Almighty.

about 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Luke 9:49 NASB

aJohn answered and said, "bMaster, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us."

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Luke 9:50 NASB

But Jesus said to him, "Do not hinder him; afor he who is not against you is for you."

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Luke 10:22 NASB

"aAll things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and bno one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him."

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Luke 10:21 NASB

aAt that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, "I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight.

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Mark 9:29 NASB

And He said to them, "This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer."

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Mark 9:27-28 NASB

But Jesus took him by the hand and raised him; and he got up.

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Mark 9:26 NASB

After crying out and throwing him into terrible convulsions, it came out; and the boy became so much like a corpse that most of them said, "He is dead!"

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Mark 9:19-21 NASB

And He answered them and said, "O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him to Me!"

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Mark 9:18 NASB

and whenever it seizes him, it slams him to the ground and he foams at the mouth, and grinds his teeth and stiffens out. I told Your disciples to cast it out, and they could not do it."

over 8 years ago

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Rosemary Stone Matchell

highlighted Mark 9:15-16 NASB

Immediately, when the entire crowd saw Him, they were aamazed and began running up to greet Him.

over 8 years ago