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Annarie Engel

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:11 ESV

The greatest among you shall be your servant.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:10 ESV

Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:9 ESV

And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:8 ESV

But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:7 ESV

and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:6 ESV

and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:5 ESV

They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:4 ESV

They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 23:3 ESV

so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

read Matthew 22

And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying,...

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:40 ESV

On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets."

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:38 ESV

This is the great and first commandment.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:39 ESV

And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:37 ESV

And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:32 ESV

'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not God of the dead, but of the living."

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:31 ESV

And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God:

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:30 ESV

For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:29 ESV

But Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:21 ESV

They said, "Caesar's." Then he said to them, "Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

almost 12 years ago

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Annarie Engel

highlighted Matthew 22:20 ESV

And Jesus said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?"

almost 12 years ago