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Bright Wizkid Obilor

Bright Wizkid Obilor's Notes

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Timothy 6:12 ESV

Be williing to defend and stand up for your faith

Jan 12

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Timothy 6:6-7 ESV

Self explanatory- be content

Jan 12

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Timothy 6:5 ESV

Also always be careful to check ur motives, remember that God looks at the heart...

Jan 12

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Timothy 6:4 ESV

"An unhealthy craving for controversy" leads to nothing good...avoid it

Jan 12

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 13:30 ESV

God has the power to bring to life everything that is dead in me. AMEN. I BELIEVE THIS WITH ALL MY HEART

Jan 11

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Acts 13:11 ESV

Paul had already been sanctified and set apart by the Holy Spirit to do God's will...that was why he was empowered to command the demon in the false prophet. The same can be for me. Expand

Jan 11

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Romans 8:27 ESV

Be rest assured, The Spirit always interceeds for the saints according to the will of God.

Jan 10

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Romans 8:26 ESV

In addition to bringing to our remembrance the things that we read in Scripture, The Holy Spirit also serves to help us in our prayer life; as He aids us in what to pray about, and also when we are out of words, He helps us by interceeding for us with groanings too deep for words. AMEN. Expand

May 21

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Romans 8:22-23 ESV

Just like a pregnant woman in labor, we are awaiting the reward of our current pains and suffering (from resisiting sin in the flesh). This reward, which is the transforming of our earthly, perishable bodies into heavenly, imperishable bodies that will live forever with The Lord. All this will happen by His grace. AMEN. Expand

Jan 10

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Romans 8:3-4 ESV

The righteous requirements of the law is fulfilled in us when we walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit... The same spirit that raised JESUS from the dead

Jan 10

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Romans 8:2 ESV

I am free in CHRIST JESUS, therefore dont succumb to any form of slavery

Jan 10

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Romans 8:1 ESV

Stand on this promise daily while making every effort to walk in his light and fellowship

Jan 10

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Psalms 30:6 ESV

When things are going all good for you, it is very easy to forget God...but David made up his mind that success won't seperate him from God

Jan 9

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Matthew 28:19 ESV

The Great Commision :)

Jan 7

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on Matthew 28:4 ESV

The presence and authority of God (revealed through the angels) made the prison guards to tremble. The same fate will be for every stronghold in my life...AMEN

Jan 7

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:56-57 ESV

Sin is powerful, it brings death through disobedience of the law; but I AM MORE THAN VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST!!!

Jan 6

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:52 ESV

Reference to the rapture

Jan 6

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV

Endpoint of this letter from Paul to the church in Corinth. He urges them to look forward to the immortal and imperishable reward of eternal life in a new body...and that should serve as a little motivation for them in their service to God; knowing that their work won't be in vain. FULL MOTIVATION SHOULD STILL BE THE LOVE OF CHRIST AND WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US Expand

Jan 6

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:49 ESV

Just as we have this physical "Adam-like" body on earth; so by His grace, when we have been resurrected in Him on judgement day, we will have a "Jesus-like" body. AMEN

Jan 6

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Bright Wizkid Obilor

wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:22 ESV

I am alive in CHRIST through faith

Jan 6