Bright Wizkid Obilor's Notes

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 19:17 ESV
The purpose of their disgrace in the previous two verses
May 2

Bright Wizkid Obilor
Paul withdrew from them; not every time is ordained by God to minister to people, be in tune with The Holy Spirit to know when...AMEN
May 2

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 18:26 ESV
Notice the humility that this man, Apollo, had. When they pulled him aside to teach him, he HUMBLY listened...practice humility.
May 1

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 18:28 ESV
He wasn't ashamed to declare CHRIST in public; and through The Spirit he schooled the Jews who thought they knew The Law of God; but in actuality they were blind
May 1

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 18:21 ESV
"I will return to you if God wills"...Notice how Paul committed his ways to God, do the same.
May 1

Bright Wizkid Obilor
He just put the word out there, He wasn't responsible for people's salvation
May 1

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 17:23 ESV
The Holy Spirit, through Paul, displayed His ability to "reason" with unbelievers with strong scriptural references
Apr 30

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 17:17 ESV
"He reasoned with" He didn't just dictate God's law to them
Apr 30

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 17:11 ESV
These guys always searched for truth in the scriptures everyday
Apr 30

Bright Wizkid Obilor
Paul reasoned with them from Scriptures, having a conversation with Godly references or preferences
Apr 30

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 16:40 ESV
The early disciples were in the business of encouraging one another.
Apr 29

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 16:34 ESV
The beating and suffering of Paul and Silas was turned around for good by God...He ended up saving more souls for Himself through these bad events. TRUST AND BELIEVE IN GOD, IN JESUS CHRIST AND HIS SACRIFICE … Expand
Apr 29

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Acts 16:23 ESV
The earlier apostles SUFFERED for Christ...y u so bothered about things that don't really matter then
Apr 29