Bright Wizkid Obilor's Notes

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Numbers 2:31 ESV
The last of the group of the Isrealites to march out. The lesson from this verse is that though some Christians may be last in faith, knowledge, and works for God; (like me) they still share the same inheritance of God with those who are forefront in the army of CHRIST. They also are heading in the same direction of salvation just like everyone else as long as they KEEP GOING in the journey of CHRIST through FAITH. However, this isn't an excuse to be intentionally lazy for God's kingdom and then always expect God's blessings; we are to always STRIVE for holiness everyday. … Expand
Jul 27

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on 1 Thessalonians 1:4 ESV
We have the assurance of the Holy Spirit that God has chosen us by us believing in Him, giving ourselves fully to Him and trusting Him alone for our salvation. We go to Him, His cross when we need this assurance because "whoever comes to Him, He will never cast away" … Expand
Jul 25

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on 1 Thessalonians 1:6 ESV
They were able to receive the word in much affliction because of the joy the Holy Spirit provided for them.
Jul 25

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Exodus 16:19 ESV
Maybe Moses was trying to encourage them to trust in God completely for their needs. Daily expecting Him to provide for them by not saving some bread for themselves till the next day. … Expand
Jul 24

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Exodus 16:7 ESV
"For what are we that you grumble against us". Moses and Aaron didn't care that the people grumbled towards them, they were only concerned that they were grumbling against the Lord
Jul 24

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Exodus 16:4 ESV
"That I may test them". Loving the gift or the giver.
Jul 24

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Exodus 20:25 ESV
God wanted His altar to be built on unhewn stones, signifying that He didn't need any input of man on His work. This is analogous to His work of salvation through Jesus, we don't need to try to add or subtract from God's perfect gospel. Apply this to your personal life by not attempting to water down the truth of the gospel to please people; Jesus died for our sins to reconcile us to a perfect God that we couldn't reach on our own...POINT BLANK PERIOD … Expand
Jul 22

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Exodus 20:20 ESV
The fear of God inspires us not to sin...The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (proverbs 1:7)
Jul 22

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Exodus 20:5-6 ESV
God is a jealous God. Have no other god before Him
Jul 22

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 1:17 ESV
For Christ didn't send me to baptize; but to preach the gospel... We all have a role to play for The Kingdom of God
Jul 20

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Genesis 28:15 ESV
God will not leave me until He fulfills all He has spoken of concerning me; promises of peace, joy, and blessings Jeremaih 29:11
Jul 19

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on 1 Peter 5:6-7 ESV
Casting all my anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. Psalms 55:22 reference
Jul 18

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on 1 Peter 5:5 ESV
God opposes the proud; but gives grace to the humble
Jul 18

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Ephesians 2:18 ESV
Through Jesus, everyone has access to God. Free of charge through faith
Jul 17

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on Ephesians 2:10 ESV
I am His workmanship; He predestined me to accomplish certain good works on this earth for Him.
Jul 17

Bright Wizkid Obilor
wrote a note on 1 Thessalonians 5:25 ESV
Never forget to intercede for others, for the brethren; especially for ministers and workers in God's vineyard
Jul 15