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Tuffybear600's Notes

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wrote a note on Genesis 2:13 KJV

Ethiopia? I thought it was around Iran or Iraq?

May 28

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wrote a note on Genesis 2:7 KJV

So man was created on the 8th day.

May 28

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wrote a note on Genesis 1:16 KJV

Day 4 is the day of the official birth of the sun and moon. We now also know the moon received it's light from the sun, but it still seems as though the order is confused********If others are reading my notes, I am not trying to disprove the document, I am trying to understand*** Expand

May 28

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wrote a note on Genesis 1:4 KJV

What made the light, because it says the stars were created in a later verse, sun is a star. And it is mentioned there is light and darkness, but nothing is said about rotation of the earth. These two items lead me to believe the bible was in fact written 1000s of years ago, but was written in a manner where it is a living document. Reasons I believe this, nothing is in fact stated about planets, stars or rotation because we believed the earth was flat, we did not in fact think about these things until the Egyptians wondered, and later the greeks and so on. So no one knew of these things. With it being a living document, it can be interpreted in a lot of different ways and to match the times. Expand

May 28