LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir's Highlights

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 78:31 ESV
the anger of God rose against them, and he killed the strongest of them and laid low the young men of Israel.
Sep 2

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 78:26-30 ESV
He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens, and by his power he led out the south wind; he rained meat on them like dust, winged birds like the sand of the seas; he let them fall in the midst of their camp, all around their dwellings. And they ate and were well filled, for he gave them what they craved. But before they had satisfied their craving, while the food was still in their mouths,
Sep 2

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 78:23-24 ESV
Yet he commanded the skies above and opened the doors of heaven, and he rained down on them manna to eat and gave them the grain of heaven.
Sep 2

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 78:25 ESV
Man ate of the bread of the angels; he sent them food in abundance.
Sep 2

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 78:18 ESV
They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved.
Sep 2

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 78:8 ESV
and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to God.
Sep 1

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 77:10-20 ESV
Then I said, "I will appeal to this, to the years of the right hand of the Most High." I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples. You with your arm redeemed your people, the children of Jacob and Joseph. Selah When the waters saw you, O God, when the waters saw you, they were afraid; indeed, the deep trembled. The clouds poured out water; the skies gave forth thunder; your arrows flashed on every side. The crash of your thunder was in the whirlwind; your lightnings lighted up the world; the earth trembled and shook. Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; yet your footprints were unseen. You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Sep 1

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 77:6-9 ESV
I said, "Let me remember my song in the night; let me meditate in my heart." Then my spirit made a diligent search: "Will the Lord spurn forever, and never again be favorable? Has his steadfast love forever ceased? Are his promises at an end for all time? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he in anger shut up his compassion?" Selah
Sep 1

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 73:28 ESV
But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 73:27 ESV
For behold, those who are far from you shall perish; you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 73:25-26 ESV
Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 72:20 ESV
The prayers of David, the son of Jesse, are ended.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:1-8 ESV
In you, O Lord, do I take refuge; let me never be put to shame! In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me; incline your ear to me, and save me! Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continually come; you have given the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel man. For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth. Upon you I have leaned from before my birth; you are he who took me from my mother's womb. My praise is continually of you. I have been as a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:10-12 ESV
For my enemies speak concerning me; those who watch for my life consult together and say, "God has forsaken him; pursue and seize him, for there is none to deliver him." O God, be not far from me; O my God, make haste to help me!
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:14-17 ESV
But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge. With the mighty deeds of the Lord God I will come; I will remind them of your righteousness, yours alone. O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:19 ESV
Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens. You who have done great things, O God, who is like you?
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:22-24 ESV
I will also praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praises to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed. And my tongue will talk of your righteous help all the day long, for they have been put to shame and disappointed who sought to do me hurt.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:21 ESV
You will increase my greatness and comfort me again.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:20 ESV
You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again.
Aug 30

LeAnn Kay Noblitt-Weir
highlighted Psalms 71:18 ESV
So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.
Aug 30