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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

Leslie Brockmann McConachie's Activity

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

read Genesis 3

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?"...

almost 12 years ago

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

finished reading Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Genesis 3 in Chronological Bible Reading Plan:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth....

almost 12 years ago

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

read Genesis 3

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?"...

almost 12 years ago

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

highlighted Genesis 3:22 ESV

Then the Lord God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—"

almost 12 years ago

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

highlighted Genesis 3:15 ESV

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."

almost 12 years ago

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

read Genesis 2

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them....

almost 12 years ago

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

read Genesis 1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth....

almost 12 years ago

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Leslie Brockmann McConachie

started a reading plan: Chronological Bible Reading Plan

almost 12 years ago