Catherine Summers's Activity
Catherine Summers
highlighted Proverbs 28:13 NASB
He who aconceals his transgressions will not prosper,
over 11 years ago
Catherine Summers
highlighted Proverbs 28:10 NASB
He who leads the upright astray in an evil way
over 11 years ago
Catherine Summers
highlighted John 20:29 NASB
Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? aBlessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."
over 11 years ago
Catherine Summers
highlighted John 20:23 NASB
"aIf you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained."
over 11 years ago
Catherine Summers
highlighted John 3:16 NASB
"For God so aloved the world, that He bgave His conly begotten Son, that whoever dbelieves in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
over 11 years ago