Marylou Cruz's Notes

Marylou Cruz
wrote a note on Malachi 3:6-13 ESV
Save ch: 3 / v: 6 -13 on the 2nd Sunday of Dec. 8 2013 My Baptizng Day
Dec 8

Marylou Cruz
wrote a note on Ephesians 1:1-9 ESV
Reading on y baptizing day 12/8/13. On the 2d Sunday of Dec. 8th of 2013 My Baptizing day ch.1-v.7 Don't take grace for granded or life.
Dec 8

Marylou Cruz
wrote a note on Jeremiah 29:11 ESV
Didn't understand it to much,however I will continue to study.the chapter of the Jer. 29:11 this verse the more I read it the more I was able to understand it I felt like that verse was personally for me cuz at this time & moment I was really going through something … Expand
Nov 22