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Al Barringer

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:10 ESV

And not only so, but also when Rebekah had conceived children by one man, our forefather Isaac,

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:9 ESV

For this is what the promise said: "About this time next year I will return, and Sarah shall have a son."

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:8 ESV

This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:7 ESV

and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but "Through Isaac shall your offspring be named."

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:6 ESV

But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:5 ESV

To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:4 ESV

They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 9:3 ESV

For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Psalms 107:43 ESV

Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

finished reading Judges 2, Judges 3, Psalms 107:1-22, Romans 8 in Bible in One Year:

Now the angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said, "I brought you up from Egypt and brought you into the land that I swore to give to your fathers. I said, 'I will never break my covenant with you,...

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:39 ESV

nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:38 ESV

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:37 ESV

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:36 ESV

As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered."

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:35 ESV

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:34 ESV

Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:32 ESV

He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:31 ESV

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:30 ESV

And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

over 10 years ago

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Al Barringer

highlighted Romans 8:29 ESV

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

over 10 years ago