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Jijuxian's Notes



wrote a note on Mark 2:28 NASB

Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, He alone has the authority to interpret the law. He is saying that He is sovereign ruler or master over the Sabbath day. He is the master of this day for He as Creator made it (Ge 2:1-3, cf Col 1:16+).Their violent response and desire to destroy Him (Lk 6:11+, cf Mt 12:14+, Mark 3:6+) Expand

Feb 2



wrote a note on Mark 2:22 NASB

The point is not that the “old” (Judaism) is wrong or evil but that its time has passed. Judaism was "worn out" (palaios) and in need of something brand new (kainos), the Gospel. Jesus did not come to reform ritualistic Judaism but to replace it and clothe men with "garments of salvation", representing not their self-righteous works (as in Judaism) but His righteousness (Isa 61:10+, Ro 3:22+), for as Paul wrote "all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." (Gal 3:27+). Expand

Feb 2



wrote a note on Mark 2:17 NASB

Jesus taught two important lessons about His ministry: (1) He came to save sinners, not to call the religious; and (2) He came to bring gladness and not sadness. The third lesson is this: He came to introduce the new, not to patch up the old. Expand

Feb 2



wrote a note on Mark 1:24 NASB

Even the unclean spirits knew Jesus. But those who claim to be close to Him, knew Him not.

Feb 2



wrote a note on Mark 1:15 NASB

It is not 'confess'; but 'repent'. It has both feeling sorry, confession and abstaining from that ever after.

Feb 2



wrote a note on Mark 1:11 NASB

This was a voice to Jesus Christ. Later at the transfiguration, it was to the three disciples with him because there was this 'listen to Him' added at the end. (Lk 9:35; Matt 17)

Feb 2



wrote a note on Mark 1:13 NASB

Jesus was tempted by the devil when he was in the wilderness; not just after the 40days. 1 Cor. 10:13 - Our consolation in temptation.

Feb 2



wrote a note on Matthew 8:5 NASB

Cf: Lk 7:1- (In Luke, we see the elders telling Jesus that the centurion was worthy, whereas he himself testifying that he is not worthy) We can never deserve His blessings, but we can ask for them in faith. We should all come to Christ like this man: With a Confession of Humility “I am not worthy” and with a Confession of Faith “Say the Word.” Expand

Jan 8



wrote a note on Matthew 4:11 NASB

We need a strength to keep us true And straight in everything we do; We need God's power to keep us strong When we are tempted to do wrong. —Anon. Satan tempts us to get the worst out of us; God tests us to get the best out of us. Expand

Dec 13



wrote a note on Matthew 4:9 NASB


Dec 13



wrote a note on Matthew 4:8 NASB

means to show so as to draw attention to something, to present to one's view, to make known the significance of something. The devil exhibited prominently all the kingdoms of the world for Jesus to see. The point is that the devil wanted Jesus to see his offer clearly, hoping this would entice Him to forgo the Cross. The verb has the significance of trying to explain or demonstrate or convince. Here in Mt 4:8 deiknuo is in the vivid historic present. Expand

Dec 13



wrote a note on Genesis 3:17 NASB

The Curse on Adam had four main aspects: (1) sorrow, because of the futility of endless struggle against a hostile environment; (2) pain, signified by the thorns; (3) sweat, or tears, the "strong crying" (Heb5:7) occasioned by the labor necessary to maintain life and hope; and (4) eventual physical death in spite of all his efforts, returning back to the dust. In the garden (Luke 22:44) the sinless Man is sweating; in contrast to Adam, He was submitting to the will of God, not rebelling against it(Continued in the verse 19 notes..) Expand

Dec 11



wrote a note on Genesis 3:19 NASB

But Christ, as the second Adam, has borne the Curse for us (Ga 3:13): as the "man of sorrows" (Isa 53:3), wearing the thorns and suffering the greatest pain (Mk 15:17), accompanied by strong crying (Heb 5:7) to sweat drops of blood before being finally brought into the dust of death (Ps 22:15). Because He so suffered for us, someday God will dwell with men, and "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain" (Rev 21:4). Indeed "there shall be no more curse" (Rev 22:3). Expand

Dec 11



wrote a note on Genesis 3:22 NASB

This declaration is filled with grace and mercy! God could easily have let this happen and He would have been perfectly just. In mercy, he saves mankind from committing a fatal mistake, one from which apparently there would have been no possible redemption, as indicated by His statement that he would live forever. Yes, man would have been immortal and eternal, but he would have been eternally dead. How kind and loving is our great God to protect us from ourselves! He did it then and He still does in the lives of His children as most of us could testify! Expand

Dec 11



wrote a note on Genesis 3:12 NASB

Complaining and blaming man. This is the behavior of man. Instead of confessing the sin, tries to blame others.

Dec 11



wrote a note on Genesis 3:9 NASB

Ever seeking God.

Dec 11



wrote a note on Matthew 2:2 NASB

In summary, Jesus holds three offices: Prophet, Priest, and King. He does not function in all three offices simultaneously, but chronologically. At His First Coming, He functioned as Prophet. Between the First and Second Comings, He is functioning as Priest. At the Second Coming, He will function as King, and He will function in that capacity for 1,000 years Expand

Dec 10



wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 11:17 NASB

The Corinthians apparently could not agree on anything, nor did they seek to serve each other. Instead of sharing together in fellowship and worship they spent their time in selfish indulgence, arguing, and disputing....One of the most fearful things in the church is division, because it is one of the first and surest signs of spiritual sickness. One of the first symptoms of worldliness and backsliding, often before it shows up in compromised doctrine or life-style, is dissension within a congregation. Expand

Dec 5



wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 11:19 NASB

The Corinthians apparently could not agree on anything, nor did they seek to serve each other. Instead of sharing together in fellowship and worship they spent their time in selfish indulgence, arguing, and disputing....One of the most fearful things in the church is division, because it is one of the first and surest signs of spiritual sickness. One of the first symptoms of worldliness and backsliding, often before it shows up in compromised doctrine or life-style, is dissension within a congregation. Expand

Dec 5



wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 11:18 NASB

When you come together as a church - Note that Paul is teaching the church is not a building but is a body, an assembly of believers who come together. When the local church came together, they observed the Lord’s Table. At first it was daily. As the church matured, they seemed to observe it weekly on the Lord’s Day. "On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight." (Acts 20:7). The importance is not on the day or place, it's the person of Christ. Expand

Dec 5