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Kenyettajackson884's Activity

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highlighted Genesis 12:1-3 ESV

Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.

almost 5 years ago

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highlighted Genesis 9:16 KJV

And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

almost 5 years ago

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highlighted Genesis 9:14-15 KJV

And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

almost 5 years ago

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highlighted Genesis 9:12-13 KJV

And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

almost 5 years ago

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highlighted Genesis 9:9-10 KJV

And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;

almost 5 years ago

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highlighted Genesis 9:11 KJV

And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

almost 5 years ago

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highlighted Genesis 5:1-2 KJV

This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

almost 5 years ago

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highlighted Genesis 4:9 KJV

And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?

almost 5 years ago

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started a reading plan: Bible in 90 Days

almost 5 years ago