Immortal MelvzLuster's Notes
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Zechariah 14:9 NLT
As the LORD and king over all the earth, My rule is everlasting and My kingdom is eternal! Alleluia! Amen! 😇🌟👍🏆♥️🔯👑
Apr 22
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Zechariah 14:9 ESV
As the Lord and king over all the earth, My rule is everlasting and my kingdom is eternal! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️🔯👑
Apr 22
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Daniel 12:3 ESV
Yes, truly, the perfect truth is everlasting life for us who are wise, just and turn many to righteousness; and thus, we shine like the sky above and like the stars forever and ever! Alleluia! Amen! 😇🌟👍🏆♥️👑🔯 … Expand
Jan 29
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Daniel 7:27 ESV
As the Most High, My rule is everlasting and my kingdom is eternal! Alleluia! Amen! 😇🌟👍🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 20
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Daniel 8:25 ESV
As the Prince of princes, the one who rises against Me is Former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos who had destroyed many because of his cunning and his power must be broken now once and for all. He must be cast down in the lake of fire. Alleluia! Amen! 👍🆗👏🎉 … Expand
Apr 20
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Hebrews 12:23 NLT
As God's Firstborn, I am righteous and perfect now & forever! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️🔯👑
Apr 8
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Hebrews 12:22 NLT
As King of Mount Zion, My rule is everlasting and My Kingdom is eternal! Alleluia! Amen! 😇🏆👍🌟♥️👑🔯
Apr 8
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Revelation 22:17 NLT
This verse refers to Me & The New Jerusalem who is represented by a beautiful, faithful, righteous, wise, virgin Hebrew holy Princess who truly, eternally & faithfully loves Me & I perfectly love her, too! Alleluia! Amen! 😇🌟♥️👑🔯👍🏆 … Expand
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Revelation 22:16 NLT
This verse refers to Me! Alleluia! Amen!😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Revelation 21:27 NLT
Thanks be to God My Name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life now and forever in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:26 NLT
Death is now destroyed and is now Entered into the Abyss and is now Thrown into Hell of lake of fire Yes, the perfect truth is death is now destroyed and is now thrown into the lake of fire forever in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯 … Expand
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:26 NASB
Death is now abolished and is now Entered into the Abyss and is now Thrown into Hell of lake of fire Yes, the perfect truth is death is now abolished and is now thrown into the lake of fire forever in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯 … Expand
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:26 KJV
Death is now destroyed and is now Entered into the Abyss and is now Thrown into Hell of lake of fire Yes, the perfect truth is death is now destroyed and is now thrown into the lake of fire forever in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯 … Expand
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:26 ESV
Death is now destroyed and is now Entered into the Abyss and Thrown to Helll of lake of fire Yes, the perfect truth is death is now destroyed, defeated and thrown in the lake of fire forever in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God & Son of man! We are now truly physically immortal & have everlasting life! Alleluia! Amen! OK, True, Correct, Success, Wise, Hurray! YES! Perfect! <3 O:) * (Y)😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯 … Expand
Aug 6
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:26 NLT
Yes, the perfect truth is death is now destroyed and is now thrown in the lake of fire forever in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:42 NLT
In this first resurrection, we are raised from the dead to live forever with a physically immortal bodies in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:26 NLT
Yes, the perfect truth is death is destroyed and thrown in the lake of fire now & forever in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 15:57 NLT
Thanks be to God for giving us victory thru My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 John 5:4 NLT
Thanks be to God for making us His children and to the victory He gives to us thru faith in My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on 1 John 5:11 NLT
Thanks be to God for giving us eternal life thru My Mighty Name Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Alleluia! Amen! 😇👍🌟🏆♥️👑🔯
Apr 1