Leah Felcher's Notes

Leah Felcher
wrote a note on 1 Corinthians 3:7-9 ESV
I like these verses because it reminds me that the growth of a Christian is a result of God working in Him. We as fellow Christians can plant and water, but the growth and glory are left for God. … Expand
Feb 13

Leah Felcher
wrote a note on 2 Timothy 4:6-9 ESV
I like these verses for my funeral. I need to make note of all this in a document for my last wishes. I want people who attend my funeral to know how much I love The Lord and to know that I am with Him and in my glorious home He has prepared for me. … Expand
Feb 12

Leah Felcher
wrote a note on Philippians 1:29 ESV
In this verse, I am reflecting on when it has been that I have suffered for the sake of Christ. I have had suffering, but I can't say it has been voluntarily for the sake of Christ. Times of suffering in my life: five months while Tom was at Talbot, divorce from Greg, battle with infertility, depression and anxiety, working at Redan as an AP. … Expand
Jan 9

Leah Felcher
wrote a note on Philippians 1:8-11 ESV
As I read this passage, I am struck by the phrase "filled with the fruit of righteousness." I do my best to do what is right and pleasing to God, but I myself cannot fill me with righteousness; that comes from the Holy Spirit. Pray for Him to fill me with His fruits of righteousness. … Expand
Jan 9

Leah Felcher
wrote a note on Genesis 1:27-28 ESV
This verse tells us that God created man in His own image to have dominion over the other creatures in His world. It does not say that we have dominion over our fellow man. Lord, help me to live my life the way that you created me to be. … Expand
Dec 27

Leah Felcher
wrote a note on Isaiah 49:13 ESV
This is a verse that speaks to me about God's compassion on the afflicted and His promise to comfort them. A good verse to share with people who are suffering. 12-20-14
Dec 20

Leah Felcher
wrote a note on Colossians 4:2 ESV
Thinking about this verse, I know that this is something that I must do to keep my relationship with Christ ever present. Being grateful and praying with thanksgiving makes helps me to exercise my heart in humility. 12-19-14 … Expand
Dec 19