Dan Rusic's Highlights

Dan Rusic
highlighted Acts 12:8 ESV
And the angel said to him, "Dress yourself and put on your sandals." And he did so. And he said to him, "Wrap your cloak around you and follow me."
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Acts 12:7 ESV
And behold, an angel of the Lord stood next to him, and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him, saying, "Get up quickly." And the chains fell off his hands.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Psalms 89:50-52 ESV
Remember, O Lord, how your servants are mocked, and how I bear in my heart the insults of all the many nations, with which your enemies mock, O Lord, with which they mock the footsteps of your anointed. Blessed be the Lord forever! Amen and Amen.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Psalms 89:6 ESV
For who in the skies can be compared to the Lord? Who among the heavenly beings is like the Lord,
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Psalms 89:5 ESV
Let the heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones!
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Psalms 89:1 ESV
A Maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite. I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 17:20 ESV
that his heart may not be lifted up above his brothers, and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, either to the right hand or to the left, so that he may continue long in his kingdom, he and his children, in Israel.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 17:19 ESV
And it shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes, and doing them,
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 17:2 ESV
"If there is found among you, within any of your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, a man or woman who does what is evil in the sight of the Lord your God, in transgressing his covenant,
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 17:1 ESV
"You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep in which is a blemish, any defect whatever, for that is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 17:3 ESV
and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have forbidden,
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 16:1 ESV
"Observe the month of Abib and keep the Passover to the Lord your God, for in the month of Abib the Lord your God brought you out of Egypt by night.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 15:2 ESV
And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release what he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, his brother, because the Lord's release has been proclaimed.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 15:1 ESV
"At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release.
Jul 28

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 15:9 ESV
Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, 'The seventh year, the year of release is near,' and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin.
Jul 27

Dan Rusic
highlighted Acts 11:19 ESV
Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except Jews.
Jul 27

Dan Rusic
highlighted Acts 11:16-17 ESV
And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said, 'John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?"
Jul 27

Dan Rusic
highlighted Acts 11:18 ESV
When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God, saying, "Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life."
Jul 27

Dan Rusic
highlighted Psalms 88:12 ESV
Are your wonders known in the darkness, or your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?
Jul 27

Dan Rusic
highlighted Deuteronomy 13:9-10 ESV
You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.But you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people.
Jul 27