Athena Grace Orque's Notes

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Genesis 9:3 ESV
After the flood, God gave us the permission to eat meat but originally this was not so.
Jul 5

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Matthew 6:34 ESV
It is enough to receive and be grateful for our daily blessings. Worry will warp the good things in life.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Matthew 6:8 ESV
Our Father knows us infinitely more than we can ever know our selves. Trust God, believe in His power to hear your prayers.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Matthew 6:7 ESV
Be simple in your praise and worship to the Lord. God hears the sincerity of the heart.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Psalms 4:2 ESV
Amen, people have been too fond of vain affections and lies.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Matthew 5:45 ESV
The Lord puts no favors to anyone. He gives to those who seek but all the same whether poor or rich - we all receive our share of heartaches and problems in life and we also receive blessings. It depends on us if we'll be grateful or not. … Expand
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Matthew 5:37 ESV
Be true to a conviction, else you'll follow the trail of others and lose your virtues.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Matthew 5:16 ESV
Do not be ashamed to do the right thing and be good & blameless even when everybody else do the wrong.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Psalms 3:5 ESV
When all else fails and people betray you and turn their backs on you, only faith can sustain you to live.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Genesis 6:22 ESV
Blessed is Noah for having no trace of doubt amidst a world full of sinfulness and flesh. :D
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Genesis 6:15 ESV
I can't imagine how Noah could've made such a humongous work! It's part of God's will :D
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Genesis 6:3 ESV
Perhaps during this time, men have become lustful and blind.
Jul 4

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Genesis 4:7 ESV
We are to control our wants and desires and not let it swallow us.
Jun 30

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Psalms 1:3 ESV
If you'll simply be one of the God-man, you needn't have to worry because you'll always on the right path
Jun 29

Athena Grace Orque
wrote a note on Genesis 2:24 ESV
It was never told that women were made lesser than man. They are equal and made as one through the bond of matrimony
Jun 29