Jvanlaningham88's Notes

Creation Separation Promise Silence Rescue (Live the Story, Tell the Story) Restoration Soma.com/gospelfluency
Jul 10

The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, healed the sick and injured, is the same spirit that lives in you. *Live a life that demands a gospel explanation and then be prepared to give it. *Listen to others stories and be prepared to share THE STORY. *Identity what people worship and show how Jesus is better. People worship there own gods, bad gods, idols. Share the gospel with them to stop them from worshiping these bad gods and start worshiping the one true god. *You talk about what you trust in or love most. That needs to be Jesus and gods story. Satan will make it hard on you because he hates Jesus but we need to be strong and share the story. Lust: unending desire for god and his fulfillment. … Expand
Jul 10

wrote a note on Genesis 12:1 ESV
God finds us when we are faithless. He took Abraham at his worst and made him a blessing to all of the nations, a leader of the people of Israel to do the same, and a key piece in gods own story. God fellowships with us when we've failed. Gods promise doesn't remove all our problems. Gods covenant is unilateral (dependent on one person) and that person is god. The covenant was made right after Abraham lied to pharaoh showing how god fellowships and forgives after we fail. God follows through with us when we forget him. When Israel forgot about god while worshiping the golden calf god remained with them and followed through on his promise. When they were exiled god did not leave or forsake them. He rose up a prophet to talk to them. … Expand
Jul 7

wrote a note on Genesis 1:2 ESV
Only the one who brought life from nothing can bring life back from the dead. This is shown by Jesus's death and resurrection. Jesus is the new creation.
Jul 6

wrote a note on Genesis 1:1 ESV
The story is not about me, it is about god. He is the major character and I am a minor character, meant to add to his story. The story begins and ends with him. I am created for god, by god, to fulfill gods plan for me. Sin is something at the center of your life other than god. For example love. When can't cure our problems with love only with the love of god! God needs to be the center if our lives. You were created in the image of god. We were the only things to be made in his image. His creation was good not perfect. It was meant to be improved upon. We are co-creators. We spend out lives searching for his purpose for us. Do what you do well for the glory of god and do it in a strategic place for the mission of god. … Expand
Jul 6