Hotflashfanny's Highlights

highlighted Job 37:15-24 NLT
Do you know how God controls the storm and causes the lightning to flash from his clouds? Do you understand how he moves the clouds with wonderful perfection and skill? When you are sweltering in your clothes and the south wind dies down and everything is still, he makes the skies reflect the heat like a bronze mirror. Can you do that? “So teach the rest of us what to say to God. We are too ignorant to make our own arguments. Should God be notified that I want to speak? Can people even speak when they are confused? We cannot look at the sun, for it shines brightly in the sky when the wind clears away the clouds. So also, golden splendor comes from the mountain of God. He is clothed in dazzling splendor. We cannot imagine the power of the Almighty; but even though he is just and righteous, he does not destroy us. No wonder people everywhere fear him. All who are wise show him reverence.”
Aug 9

highlighted Job 37:14 NLT
“Pay attention to this, Job. Stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God!
Aug 9

highlighted Job 37:13 NLT
He makes these things happen either to punish people or to show his unfailing love.
Aug 9

highlighted Job 36:24 NLT
Instead, glorify his mighty works, singing songs of praise.
Aug 8

highlighted Job 36:21 NLT
Be on guard! Turn back from evil, for God sent this suffering to keep you from a life of evil.
Aug 8

highlighted Job 36:5 NLT
“God is mighty, but he does not despise anyone! He is mighty in both power and understanding.
Aug 8

highlighted Job 35:13 NLT
But it is wrong to say God doesn’t listen, to say the Almighty isn’t concerned.
Aug 8

highlighted Job 35:2-8 NLT
“Do you think it is right for you to claim, ‘I am righteous before God’? For you also ask, ‘What’s in it for me? What’s the use of living a righteous life?’ “I will answer you and all your friends, too. Look up into the sky, and see the clouds high above you. If you sin, how does that affect God? Even if you sin again and again, what effect will it have on him? If you are good, is this some great gift to him? What could you possibly give him? No, your sins affect only people like yourself, and your good deeds also affect only humans.
Aug 8

highlighted Job 34:33-37 NLT
“Must God tailor his justice to your demands? But you have rejected him! The choice is yours, not mine. Go ahead, share your wisdom with us. After all, bright people will tell me, and wise people will hear me say, ‘Job speaks out of ignorance; his words lack insight.’ Job, you deserve the maximum penalty for the wicked way you have talked. For you have added rebellion to your sin; you show no respect, and you speak many angry words against God.”
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:31-32 NLT
“Why don’t people say to God, ‘I have sinned, but I will sin no more’? Or ‘I don’t know what evil I have done—tell me. If I have done wrong, I will stop at once’?
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:30 NLT
He prevents the godless from ruling so they cannot be a snare to the people.
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:28-29 NLT
They cause the poor to cry out, catching God’s attention. He hears the cries of the needy. But if he chooses to remain quiet, who can criticize him? When he hides his face, no one can find him, whether an individual or a nation.
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:27 NLT
For they turned away from following him. They have no respect for any of his ways.
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:23 NLT
We don’t set the time when we will come before God in judgment.
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:21 NLT
“For God watches how people live; he sees everything they do.
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:19 NLT
He doesn’t care how great a person may be, and he pays no more attention to the rich than to the poor. He made them all.
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:9 NLT
He has even said, ‘Why waste time trying to please God?’
Aug 7

highlighted Job 34:10 NLT
“Listen to me, you who have understanding. Everyone knows that God doesn’t sin! The Almighty can do no wrong.
Aug 7

highlighted Job 33:28 NLT
God rescued me from the grave, and now my life is filled with light.’
Aug 7

highlighted Job 33:27 NLT
He will declare to his friends, ‘I sinned and twisted the truth, but it was not worth it.
Aug 7