Ngh1309's Notes

wrote a note on Psalms 27:2 ESV
The Blood of Jesus The quickest way There will never be # of good works b:c we did nothing to deserve His presence in your life! There is nothing you can do to heather presence leave. Once you receive Hebrews 13:5 God in your life He will never leave you. He he didn't leave Jesus He can never forsake you! If God be with you God is committed to your success! Psalm the Steps of a good man is ordered by The Lord. Jesus is the author and the finisher of faith. Jesus is my friend he sticks closer than a brother. We are in the covenant Of Grace. God's presence is mine for eternality Don't evaluate God's presence bass on your situation or pass When you have God's unmerited favor there is nothing anyone or thing can do to prevent your blessi … Expand
May 24

wrote a note on Genesis 39:8 ESV
When you see the usher you should see God! It shouldn't prevent you getting to the palace being faithful. Good success is being faithful to God G.O.D comes before g.o.o.d! Genesis 39:1-5 Ep 6:8 4. You have to have a dream and know how to make it true. You have have a plan 41:14 … Expand
Apr 6