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Jerry Harvey

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Psalms 23:5 NASB

You aprepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have banointed my head with oil; My ccup overflows.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Deuteronomy 33:25 NASB

"aYour locks will be iron and bronze, bAnd according to your days, so will your leisurely walk be.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Psalms 105:4 NASB

Seek the Lord and aHis strength; bSeek His face continually.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Ephesians 1:18-20 NASB

I pray that athe eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the bhope of His ccalling, what are dthe riches of the glory of eHis inheritance in fthe saints,

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 9:2-10 NASB

aThe Jews assembled in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm; and no one could stand before them, bfor the dread of them had fallen on all the peoples.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 9:1 NASB

Now ain the twelfth month (that is, the month Adar), on bthe thirteenth day cwhen the king's command and edict were about to be executed, on the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, it was turned to the contrary so that the Jews themselves gained the mastery over those who hated them.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 8:2-17 NASB

aThe king took off his signet ring which he had taken away from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 6:1-14 NASB

During that night the king acould not sleep so he gave an order to bring bthe book of records, the chronicles, and they were read before the king.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 4:5-17 NASB

Then Esther summoned Hathach from the king's eunuchs, whom the king had appointed to attend her, and ordered him to go to Mordecai to learn what this was and why it was.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 4:1-4 NASB

When Mordecai learned aall that had been done, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city and wailed loudly and bitterly.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 3:2-15 NASB

All the king's servants who were at the king's gate bowed down and paid homage to Haman; for so the king had commanded concerning him. But aMordecai neither bowed down nor paid homage.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 2:21-23 NASB

In those days, while Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate, aBigthan and Teresh, two of the king's officials from those who guarded the door, became angry and sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 2:1-17 NASB

After these things awhen the anger of King Ahasuerus had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and bwhat had been decreed against her.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 1:22 NASB

So he sent letters to all the king's provinces, ato each province according to its script and to every people according to their language, that every man should bbe the master in his own house and the one who speaks in the language of his own people.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 1:10-12 NASB

On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was amerry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar and Carkas, the seven eunuchs who served in the presence of King Ahasuerus,

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Esther 1:1-9 NASB

Now it took place in the days of aAhasuerus, the Ahasuerus who reigned bfrom India to Ethiopia over c127 provinces,

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Romans 8:2-4 NASB

For athe law of the Spirit of life in bChrist Jesus chas set you free from the law of sin and of death.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Romans 8:1 NASB

Therefore there is now no acondemnation for those who are bin cChrist Jesus.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Romans 7:13-25 NASB

Therefore did that which is good become a cause of death for me? aMay it never be! Rather it was sin, in order that it might be shown to be sin by effecting my death through that which is good, so that through the commandment sin would become utterly sinful.

over 9 years ago

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Jerry Harvey

highlighted Philippians 4:6 NASB

aBe anxious for nothing, but in everything by bprayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

over 9 years ago