Gmchd808's Notes

we should also accept the bad that God gives us because he is testing you testing your faith testing your loyality towards him. so he still worship the Lord.
Feb 27

even after God let satan take everything away from him including his children he still worship the Lord
Feb 27

job was a blameless man he feared God and he was not a sinner. so satan had the athority to do things in his life so he can tell God how awful he was. this tells me when God gives you test you have a choice to either trust God and face it or give satan reign over your life and say Lord why are you doing this to me. … Expand
Feb 27

wrote a note on Genesis 8:21 NLT
after flooding the earth and savings Noah and his family. God was pleased if Noah and he swore regaurdless of human sin he will not destroy everything instead he gives humans his grace … Expand
Feb 27

wrote a note on Genesis 4:7 NLT
I cannot have my sins control me. I have power over them. I am a child of God and God loves me unconditionally his grace I don't deserve but he shows it anyway. because of that I can overcome my sins … Expand
Feb 24

wrote a note on Genesis 4:7 NLT
I cannot have my sins control me. I have power over them. I am a child of God and God loves me unconditionally his grace I don't deserve but he shows it anyway. because of that I can overcome my sins … Expand
Feb 24