read 1 Corinthians 6:19 Day 70 of Bible Verse a Day
Mar 10
read Romans 7:13 Day 70 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read John 6
read John 6 Day 70 of Bible in One Year
read Psalms 66
read Psalms 66 Day 70 of Bible in One Year
read Numbers 7
read Numbers 7 Day 70 of Bible in One Year
read John 1:1 Day 69 of Bible Verse a Day
Mar 9
read Psalms 30:6 Day 69 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read John 5
read John 5 Day 69 of Bible in One Year
read Psalms 65
read Psalms 65 Day 69 of Bible in One Year
read Numbers 6
read Numbers 6 Day 69 of Bible in One Year
read Numbers 5
read Numbers 5 Day 69 of Bible in One Year
read Philippians 4:19 Day 68 of Bible Verse a Day
Mar 8
read Philippians 4