read Judges 4
Apr 27
read Judges 4 Day 118 of Bible in One Year
read Proverbs 18:10 Day 117 of Bible Verse a Day
Apr 26
read Psalms 67
read Psalms 67:6 Day 117 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Romans 8
read Romans 8 Day 117 of Bible in One Year
read Psalms 107:1-22 Day 117 of Bible in One Year
read Judges 3
read Judges 3 Day 117 of Bible in One Year
read Judges 2
read Judges 2 Day 117 of Bible in One Year
read 1 Corinthians 13
Apr 25
read 1 Corinthians 13:12 Day 116 of Bible Verse a Day
read 1 Corinthians 11:24 Day 116 of Spurgeon's Morning Devotions
read Romans 7
read Romans 7 Day 116 of Bible in One Year
read Psalms 106
read Psalms 106:24-48 Day 116 of Bible in One Year
read Judges 1