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Mildred Levine

Mildred Levine's Highlights

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 17:4 ESV

They approached Eleazar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the leaders and said, "The Lord commanded Moses to give us an inheritance along with our brothers." So according to the mouth of the Lord he gave them an inheritance among the brothers of their father.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 17:3 ESV

Now Zelophehad the son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, had no sons, but only daughters, and these are the names of his daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 17:2 ESV

And allotments were made to the rest of the people of Manasseh by their clans, Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, Hepher, and Shemida. These were the male descendants of Manasseh the son of Joseph, by their clans.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 17:1 ESV

Then allotment was made to the people of Manasseh, for he was the firstborn of Joseph. To Machir the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead, were allotted Gilead and Bashan, because he was a man of war.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 16:4 ESV

The people of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, received their inheritance.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 16:3 ESV

Then it goes down westward to the territory of the Japhletites, as far as the territory of Lower Beth-horon, then to Gezer, and it ends at the sea.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 16:2 ESV

Then going from Bethel to Luz, it passes along to Ataroth, the territory of the Archites.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 16:1 ESV

The allotment of the people of Joseph went from the Jordan by Jericho, east of the waters of Jericho, into the wilderness, going up from Jericho into the hill country to Bethel.

Mar 12

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 14:2 ESV

Their inheritance was by lot, just as the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses for the nine and one-half tribes.

Mar 11

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 14:3 ESV

For Moses had given an inheritance to the two and one-half tribes beyond the Jordan, but to the Levites he gave no inheritance among them.

Mar 11

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 14:1 ESV

These are the inheritances that the people of Israel received in the land of Canaan, which Eleazar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of the fathers' houses of the tribes of the people of Israel gave them to inherit.

Mar 11

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 13:2 ESV

This is the land that yet remains: all the regions of the Philistines, and all those of the Geshurites

Mar 11

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 13:1 ESV

Now Joshua was old and advanced in years, and the Lord said to him, "You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess.

Mar 11

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 12:1 ESV

Now these are the kings of the land whom the people of Israel defeated and took possession of their land beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise, from the Valley of the Arnon to Mount Hermon, with all the Arabah eastward:

Mar 11

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Mildred Levine

highlighted 1 Corinthians 10:33 ESV

just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved.

Mar 10

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Mildred Levine

highlighted 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Mar 10

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Mildred Levine

highlighted 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

Mar 10

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 11:23 ESV

So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord had spoken to Moses. And Joshua gave it for an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal allotments. And the land had rest from war.

Mar 10

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 10:40 ESV

So Joshua struck the whole land, the hill country and the Negeb and the lowland and the slopes, and all their kings. He left none remaining, but devoted to destruction all that breathed, just as the Lord God of Israel commanded.

Mar 10

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Mildred Levine

highlighted Joshua 10:39 ESV

and he captured it with its king and all its towns. And they struck them with the edge of the sword and devoted to destruction every person in it; he left none remaining. Just as he had done to Hebron and to Libnah and its king, so he did to Debir and to its king.

Mar 10