Sarah Kim's Notes

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 3:16 ESV
This is often the verse that is looked back on in order to justify gender roles. Things have certainly changed a lot. So does this mean people today are certainly doing things out of "nature" so to speak? But there are many single mothers and single fathers. There are many career women, who does the job of the "men" but also have children. There are many exceptions in which women cannot depend on men for many different reasons. We certainly can't be punished for doing things on our own when we need to. … Expand
Dec 16

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 3:13 ESV
It is in our nature to hide from our guilt and to blame others for a fault we took part in.
Dec 16

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 3:6 ESV
So Adam knew exactly what was going on if he was with her? Both are guilty of the crime. A link to women and wisdom?
Nov 14

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 3:5 ESV
The serpent said both a truth and a lie. It shows that even truths can be harmful, truths can be used to do bad things.
Dec 16

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 3:1 ESV
Is the serpent still considered to be crafty today? Craftiness means intelligence? Don't we see chimpanzees to be intelligent amongst other animals? Serpent even starts off with a complete lie because God said that Adam and Eve can eat from any tree except of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. … Expand
Nov 14

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 2:20 ESV
Loneliness. No one equal to him. I love that Adam had these feelings, it shows how truly independent he was apart from God because it wasn't God that gave the feelings of loneliness. ----- An act of free will I think is displayed here. Despite how God tried to find him a companion in animals, he was not able to be satisfied ----- An opportunity to really appreciate companionship through feeling lonely … Expand
May 10

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 2:19 ESV
I love that God had Adam name all the different living things.
Dec 16

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 2:17 ESV
Knowledge in the metaphor of a tree: grows, has deep roots. But knowledge also in the form of death? Something that kills? God didn't tell them not to eat from the tree of life.
Nov 14

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 1:22 ESV
This is the first time God blessed anything he has made so far
Dec 16

Sarah Kim
wrote a note on Genesis 1:2 ESV
With this version, it sounds like I'm reading a script from the movies. I can imagine this so clearly in my head.
Dec 16