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highlighted Genesis 44:2 NASB
"Put my cup, the silver cup, in the mouth of the sack of the youngest, and his money for the grain." And he did as Joseph had told him.
about 11 years ago
highlighted Genesis 44:1 NASB
aThen he commanded his house steward, saying, "Fill the men's sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man's money in the mouth of his sack.
about 11 years ago
highlighted Genesis 1:12 ESV
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
over 11 years ago
highlighted Genesis 1:16 ESV
And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.
over 11 years ago
highlighted Genesis 1:14 ESV
And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years,
over 11 years ago