Wilson Guanzon's Activity
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Deuteronomy 27:15-26 ESV
"'Cursed be the man who makes a carved or cast metal image, an abomination to the Lord, a thing made by the hands of a craftsman, and sets it up in secret.' And all the people shall answer and say, 'Amen.'
about 10 years ago
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Deuteronomy 11:32 ESV
you shall be careful to do all the statutes and the rules that I am setting before you today.
about 10 years ago
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Deuteronomy 11:29 ESV
And when the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, you shall set the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal.
about 10 years ago
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Isaiah 11:1-3 ESV
There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.
about 10 years ago
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Exodus 12:13-14 ESV
The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt.
about 10 years ago
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Numbers 24:17 ESV
I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth.
about 10 years ago
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Zechariah 1:8 ESV
"I saw in the night, and behold, a man riding on a red horse! He was standing among the myrtle trees in the glen, and behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses.
about 10 years ago
Wilson Guanzon
highlighted Luke 24:25 ESV
And he said to them, "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
about 10 years ago