Tonye21t's Notes

wrote a note on Psalms 22:14 ESV
After 68 days long, now that's how long I have not read the Word, that's how long the Devil had a little bit of power over me, when it came down to listening to God. Today is March 12, 2014. I have decided to be able, by God grace to listen to what God has to say. I will be reading from Psalms 22:14. … Expand
Mar 13

wrote a note on Ephesians 3:19 ESV
The devil is trying to put me down, but The Lord said because I know him I'll will be alright. Amen Dec 21 2013
Dec 21

wrote a note on Luke 22:48 ESV
With a kiss Jesus discipline betrayed him with just a kiss, we have people in ur life that will betray us wit a kiss as while. Dec17 2013
Dec 17

wrote a note on Luke 22:44 NASB
Twice this verse came to me. The Lord said I should get up and pray and I should not enter into tempetion today.
Dec 16

wrote a note on Matthew 26:39 NASB
I said that this evening and also it came to me through out the day and I didn't even know.
Dec 14

wrote a note on 2 Timothy 2:1 NASB
I need to be strong. The Lords hear my pain, prayers, thanksgiving and my cries. He said that in his grace I have Jesus Christ. Dec 7 2013
Dec 7

wrote a note on Isaiah 48:10 NASB
Blessing is coming my way, and at the same time I've been tested from The Lord. I didn't realize it to today Nov 26,2013. Yesterday The Lord bless me by allowing me to be on the waiting list at the raleigh rescue mission, and I was able to sign up for Christmas for my girls. Thank you Lord. I now know that know matter how life my be, always remember The Lord because he will not leave you dry, even though your problems seem to get worst by the day. But remember to share about The Lord to the weak, because it will make you strong. Help people the best way you can and The Lord will not forsake you. Today is Nov 26, 2013. … Expand
Nov 26

wrote a note on Psalms 62:5 NASB
Thank you Lord. Thank you for answering my prayers. This verse was guided from The Lord to me. Novak 23 2013
Nov 23

wrote a note on Psalms 91:9 NASB
The Lord gave me this verse when I got a job. Nov 22 2013 @ ring the bell Salvation Army. I stay there for now.
Nov 23

wrote a note on Ezekiel 34:26 NASB
Thank Jesus. Amen and its shall come to past in Jesus Name Amen.
Nov 17

wrote a note on Hebrews 13:5 NASB
Very important information. The Lord is remaining me again on what to do. Twice this week. The Lord is good.
Nov 17

wrote a note on 2 Peter 3:18 NASB
This verse appeared twice for me. The first one was Sep 30.
Nov 10

wrote a note on Mark 11:24 NASB
Everything we pray, we have to have faith. Nov 30 the second this bible verse came to me. What ever we pray for it shall come to pass with faith. I believe in The Lords word. Amen
Nov 30

wrote a note on Ephesians 6:18 ESV
Pray without season, to God. Explain to people about the Gods news.
Nov 1