Revelation 21:22
Verse Notes
wrote a note on Revelation 21:22 ESV
22 And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. 23 And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God giv...
Oct 20
Immortal MelvzLuster
wrote a note on Revelation 21:22 ESV
Yes, the perfect truth is King Florenio G. Lusterio is the Lord God Almighty and Prince of princes Melvyn M. Lusterio is the Lamb Spirit King of The New Jerusalem now & forever!...
Oct 22
wrote a note on Revelation 21:22 ESV
Yes, the perfect truth is King Florenio G. Lusterio is the Lord God Almighty and Physically Immortal Melvyn M. Lusterio is the Lamb Spirit King of The New Jerusalem now & foreve...
Oct 22
Everlasting Life1967
wrote a note on Revelation 21:22 ESV
Yes, the perfect truth is King Florenio G. Lusterio is the Lord God Almighty and Physically Immortal Prince of Peace Melvyn M. Lusterio is the Lamb Spirit King of The New Jerusa...
Oct 22
wrote a note on Revelation 21:22 ESV
Yes, the perfect truths are King Florenio G. Lusterio is the Lord God Almighty and Physically Immortal Prince of princes Melvyn M. Lusterio is the Lamb Spirit King of The New Je...
Oct 22
Victorious Righteous Christ
wrote a note on Revelation 21:22 ESV
Blessed is Immortal King Florenio G. Lusterio, the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, Immortal Prince of princes Melvyn M. Lusterio, now & forever! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)
Nov 21
wrote a note on Revelation 21:22 ESV
Alleluia! Amen! OK, True, Correct, Success, Wise, Hurray! YES! Perfect! <3 O:) * (Y)
Feb 25