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A Thought By


Oct 7
Dear god my heart is breaking So bad ! you can see that I'm sitting here in the hospital upright in this chair watching my precious wife sleeping in the bed next to me ! You know me god and you know what I am praying for ! and I am asking you god to hear my prayers and heal her body ! and spare her life ! i am also sitting here and reflecting on the loss of my own mother whom i loved and who I miss so much ! and seeing my wife in that bed stirs up those memories and opens the wounds again ! aand i would so much rather that it was myself in that bed than my wife ! And with the rising of the sun comes the tests to determine the full extent of just what is afflicting my wife ! Oh god forgive all my sins hear my plea ! Keep your angels posted around her bed ! Guard and protect her thru this nite ! Keep my wife safe and make her well again she does not deserve to be like this! But i do ! for all of the hurtful things i have ever done ! And I would gladly take her place in that bed! If I knew that doing so would be an assurance that the one person who has brought me so much joy and happiness is returned to health and that I can have a second chance to be the man she deserves to have ( please give me that chance) ! and as you say and have said Jesus ! Anything that is asked of you in your name from me ! from ( a child of god) that you will do it and so Jesus as your child I am asking you and I am asking you in your name to spare the life of my wife And return her to me alive