
Pridie Roxy


Chapter 12

43 "When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.
Matthew 12:43 ESV
Pridie Roxy's Note
Feb 13
V43.The description reflects the popular idea that the parched deserts of Syria and Arabia and Egypt were haunted by demons, who thence came to invade the bodies and the souls of men V45.The answer to the first question lies on the surface of their history. Their besetting sin from the time of the Exodus to that of the Captivity had been idolatry and apostasy.They were enslaved and possessed. Then came the return from the Exile house was "empty, swept, and garnished". There was no in dwelling presence of the enthusiasm of a higher life, only an outward ceremonial religion and rigid precepts, and the show of piety. The hypocrisy of the scribes was the garnishing of the house. And then the old evil came back in the form of Mammon-worship