


Chapter 5

4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
Revelation 5:4 KJV
Tashmocha's Note
May 18
TOPIC: The suspense is killing me: Revelation 5: 1-12 Our main objective must be about Christ and not ourselves 1 peter 2:9... We are to minister to GOD first. Being in attendance to wait upon. We get to give our servitude to GOD so that we can service the people. The key is worship. When was the last time your tears were meat. Aman 3:7 he only reveals his secrets to his prophet. There is no grey in GOD. The number of 7 denotes completeness. Then 7 horns and 7 eyes, the 7 spirit gone out into the world. Perfect knowledge.